The Future of Business Insurance in Greece

The Future of Business Insurance in Greece

Strengths of the following greek insurance market. "The economic side" Although the official figures of the Greek economy appears to be weak, the real wealth and cash flow in Greece because of '"economy" can not be neglected and unnoticeable. Political corruption is one of the reasons why hundreds of thousands of Greeks to make money, tax free. Retail is the second reason. Greek is an IRS tax problems faced by retailers. The number of retail stores compared to the largest population in Europe, in Germany, for example, are stored on a per capita is 50 in Greece is one of the residents is 10 per store.

 The third reason comes from hundreds of thousands of professionals who practice their profession is scientific or technical. Doctors, lawyers, accountants, engineers, as well as a plumber and electrician painter g ฟ other workers. Many of these experts in one way or another to make managing their money to raise money for their services without having to sign a receipt that can be taxed. This wealth can be seen everywhere. The restaurants are fully booked most of the night of the week with a peak during the holiday will be observed that it is almost impossible to find a table for Sunday dinner or lunch Stores with expensive cars and travel, make sure that the Greeks do a lot of money and spend a lot of money. In this environment it is hard to believe that 75% of living Greece no longer has any kind of insurance for a house fire or earthquake. Like hundreds of thousands of stores. Similarly, life insurance is not in Greece, regardless of the fact that insurance companies operating in Greece for over 40 years! Average size of the current policies in force in Greece is less than 5,000 € It is estimated that the research done by Morax corporate training and training administration also publishes a monthly "Marketing Science" magazine, which shows that more than 500,000 Greek family can afford to pay anywhere from € 2,000 in order. Turn the € 5.000 € 100,000 a year for a policy that are profitable, well-known, but the company has always sought to take advantage of this market in an organized manner.

 Marketing of life insurance and accident, not in Greece, regardless of the status of the five national insurance companies. They are all based on a system of units sold almost exclusively to medical plans and pension plans to their individual unit linked products and freelance brokers do more than car insurance. In short, wealth is here and so are the demands of life and damage. Who decided to explore the possibility of Greece, Morax willing to verify the specific information. Almost all companies that suffer from medical plans and the cost is very low prize. The political advantage of being dispersed among the Greeks, most of the wealth created by the voters of both major political parties to vote in favor of them, one by one, family by family. Once they are in government with all kinds of people "special rights"! These are the voters, nearly 75% Considering the 500,000 families that are the bread winner as a professional with his service fee and the daily wage of a few hundred dollars, is "not normal" strange as it sounds, and the corruption of political management. to spread the wealth of Greece is more powerful than any other Those of the government make millions more secure. But make sure that other people are happy ... ... Want an example? A second-line managers in large state-controlled insurance companies have accepted early retirement to 50 years for ... € to 3500 € 1000000 trend on salaries and pensions! W and K and n - s s and -. State regulatory agencies can not work because of corruption in politics. The current government is more likely to lead the industry in order to continue, foreign insurance companies operating in Greece are wondering what will soon be improved. It 'interesting to note that the new regulatory body (Epeus), established under the apparently more effective control in insurance companies, largely funded by a consortium of insurance companies ... and will be They named him as an independent body.

The government is not "nail" the company. Only a small company that was set as the mean and a private company that does not have a "powerful friends"! Lack of supervision of the State over the past 40 years has allowed a number  of large operators. (Private and state-owned) companies to manage their motivation clear. misrepresent. Back and a lot of channeling funds to the richness of their staff, hundreds of companies from the coast were set up around the world in which is recorded in cash, and it is up to correct some of his own. State property for hundreds of millions of euros over 30 years, was dismissed from what had been disclosed to the public. The same is happening to individuals to buy property in the area that is about their legitimacy, it is difficult to establish. With the update of the value of a hundred or a thousand times, they are offering free property, especially real property is a legal reserve,  Agencies to accept declaration of an insurance company There is a special law to allow insurers to invest their reserves in subsidiaries that are not listed
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insurance home inspection

insurance home inspection

What would be the perfect backdrop? Ideally, a combination of experience in the construction, education, training, recognized the shortcomings and working on the field to provide the necessary background.

 The more professional, ideally looking for candidates from the relevant trade or professional occupations. The people realize that a combination of education, formal and direct experience in the field, the best career for reasons that are not limited to certification of professional engineers and licensed to the recipient. for granted. But a combination of both types of basic operators of production, the best known. University-level of formal education may include engineering, architecture and construction management a plus. Strong interpersonal and communication skills are essential in this business. You can be the best technicians in the world. But if you can not communicate effectively, you will receive a small service to your customers. Examined in the future should have a strong technical background to begin with, before you consider a professional home inspection, or career change. They have good skills and good communication is necessary. (Verbally and in writing), as they are required to report on and describe the results of their research to their clients properly. Home monitoring should also be aware of current health and safety issues and be trained in "perceived deficiencies" areas that are very specific and critical to this work. They must also acquire knowledge through the field. Many people tend to train or in the shade with a "professional expert" before their practical experience is often difficult to obtain and often not covered or provided by a training course, a lot. There is no substitute for hands-on experience in the practice of the profession is. 


 These provincial associations, while independence is generally carried out under the auspices of the Canadian Association of Home Inspectors (CAHI - also known as CaHPO - Canadian Association of the house and inspect the property) and they have created. the "standard practice" and "ethical code" for them. Which is standard for the industry. Associations to their members to upgrade to meet the continuing education to ensure that they are aware of the current problem in the industry. These associations are the professionals who have met all their properties. To be nominated a candidate must receive a number of features of "credits" that will make the study of field experience, the minimum number of checks for payment and a written report, which is straight. standards of practice of the  'Association.
Chaos ... in order to verify the control or not. Canada continues to be monitored at home as a whole, and all people of every background can basically "hang out a shingle" as a home inspector. Many experts and training to ensure that there is hope for the intervention of governments, national standards of practice and self-control in order to alleviate this problem in the near future. Often these decisions are not well trained by the "who" made sure that the financial impact on consumers. When this happens, consumers will have little or no recourse left to compensate for the loss of them. This is how a person can often give a bad name. In Canada, a provincial association that has trained many professional experiences, often with the construction engineering, architecture or related products. These individuals have received special training and testing to verify that the "perceived deficiencies" They also have expertise in various health and safety issues. There is also a requirement for the successful application of the field and in practice
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Type of Life Insurance Products

Type of Life Insurance Products

Human lives are at risk of death and disability due to natural causes and accidents. When you lose lives or disabled persons who have temporary or permanent loss of income to the family. The family is at the origin of the difficulties. Sometimes it's survival is at stake for their dependents. Risk, uncertainty, death / disability can occur when you least expect it. An individual can protect himself or herself through the lives of those obligations.

 Life insurance is an insurance man. Even if human life is not worth funding may be required depending on the loss of revenue in recent years in the future. Therefore, the amount of insurance on the life assured. (Or the guaranteed sum to be paid in case of losing it), is through the 'performance' in case of life insurance. Life insurance products, providing the exact amount of money to the dependents of the insured if the insured dies during the period of life that his work will be credited to the account on or off. The incident led to the reduction / complete loss of his earning a profit.

Each can also protect the life of him when he ended up being no other means of income - to buy an annuity.
There are a number of life insurance products that offer twice the protection and savings.
Long-term insurance products for a fixed amount of money on death during the term of the contract.

Whole life insurance products offer a fixed amount of money on it.
Insurance products are donated to a fixed amount of money, or death during the term of the contract or expiration of the contract, if the life assured survives.

 Insurance products for an amount that would not only. But that is due on the date specified in the contract period. The entire amount is expected to die during the term of the contract.

Annuities with a series of monthly payments on the trust that life has existed on the date specified.The products are not only linked to. However, a fixed sum of money to death. The amount of money that has been linked with a fundamental value of the assets in need.

 There are rural people, actors, movies and unorganized workers; There are a variety of insurance products to meet the needs of different types of children, youth, middle-aged woman to older ones.Life insurance can be purchased by insurance companies registered with IRDA notified the insurer to appoint insurance agents to sell their products. Public who are interested in buying life insurance should be introduced as an insurance agent / insurance company may choose to make the right product to meet the financial needs in particular.Thus, life insurance policies offer protection and security to families and give pleasure to local communities
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French insurance market analysis

French insurance market analysis

Insurance market in France is complex because of the legal structure and competitiveness of their own as well as the methods and traditions of the French themselves, but as Menanteau Jean - Pierre explains, if the insured customer service and innovation seriously, you can do. serious progress forward.

In a complex environment, French companies have only one solution available to them if they want to keep their customers and that is the invention.With € 200 billion of insurance premiums in 2009 (77% in 23% of general insurance), the second largest market in Europe after France's insurance Great Britain and Germany before the insurer assets totaling € 1.62bn in France ( € 1.25. billion of insurance).Life has a market share of 60% and 10% of the market in the gut represents a 7% market share that life with 35% in the digestive tract, while the market share of brokers' is 14% and 18% in the gastrointestinal tract. A direct 16% of the market in life, but only 2% in the gastrointestinal tract, and even if it represents a common 33%. The GI does not have any significant impact in the way of life. Other distribution channels (including telephone and internet) and market share of 3% and 2% in the gastrointestinal tract.Long life.Life can be better described as the French market, with only a small percentage of policyholders in the digestive tract, France and the life of the insured, you go bankrupt in the last 65 years, the company has a very small and thin. parts of society in the digestive tract that is attempts to penetrate the foreign market.

 History of the French legal system and culture of their own can in some way to explain how the complexity of the industry and why some succeed where others fail. First time in the history of France and the legal system is essentially the same: the choice of the 'Roman Empire created a Ehgacarm scientific fact. Without the knowledge and experience on the forum · You can not develop a stable and profitable insurance business.The original problem.The insurance market is the impact of World War II in the nineties, in 1945 and 1946 financial groups over 1 billion francs of government with few exceptions, including the ancestors of the Aviva companies grouped into three. groups: the Union des certifications de Paris, Assurance Generale de France, and GAN.Steam was eventually bought by AXA in 1996 after the acquisition of foreign Victoire Victoire AGF While Union Commerce acquisition in 1994 was acquired by Allianz and GAN. by Groupama in 1998 following Credit Mutuel - because of the need for fiscal consolidation - Societe Generale and the danger of a relationship. However, competition between the CEO and the CEO of an insurance company that is buying the banking sector banking. Launch operations are concentrated from the beginning of the century of life and is trying to develop in the digestive tract.

 Bank stall.However, banks have difficulty in developing a food industry to enter the market of their lives. This can be explained by the influence of shareholders, which showed that the growth of large motor and household insurance in early 1960 at a lower cost mutual and lower prices. For the same reason, direct marketing is not indicative of the growing disparities in France, the United Kingdom the price difference is only a small percentage and is generally not enough to convince people to change their insurance. it. As a result, competition is fierce, with more services and products.The French insurance market has seen mergers and acquisitions in the United States or Britain ° The reason for this lies in the structure of the market. Life insurance with a player and a few large banks.demutualization is not possible.As in most countries, insurance companies, the combined activities of their members. But the French are different in structure, sharing a common set, in fact, the assets of former members of the community of present and future. It 'so easy to pay a membership fee at the time. It 'very difficult to pay them in the past or the future. The only option is to merge the companies together with each other and form a group together. The legal instrument that allows them to develop cross-border But in France, is a private company can not purchase one.

Another possibility is to 'include' was used by the AXA Claude Bebear, and this was done by members of the mutual company and the transfer of part or all of the portfolios. its affiliates.The company specializes in GI, are attempting to enter the insurance market with great success, because it is difficult for their sales force to a different product.They deserve the position.Allianz, Generali, Aviva or - and they deserve their position in the market.Aviva has supported afer since its creation in 1976 and helped lead the market afer a non-profit organization created to provide members with coverage purchased. Their products with the same name, which leads the market as competitors are forced to copy as much of it as possible. It 'a policy that allow people to choose how and when to invest. E 'was also the first is to make it easier to understand the system of clear and transparent, and the only one to give potential customers a full range of capital investment was afer a long career in marketing. France

Challenges of innovation.Thus, innovation is the only way to protect the insured for their consideration of this, some people may believe that the French market will be closed and unable to penetrate. It is not - although, clearly, a change that does not happen quickly to ensure France. It 'a very mature market that has evolved slowly, or even slow it took 20 years to reach 60% of the Bank on the market. However, this proportion has been stable for 10 years.At the same time will slow their evolution into something permanent. In highly competitive markets and products that can not be protected by trademark, copyright or license; edge tends to be less than the increase in marketing and customer relationship management is more important.Sophisticated marketing.This is the challenge of French insurance. Market is complicated because of the legal structure and the structure of the methods and traditions of France itself. Insurance France than any other activity is under the control of regulatory agencies in their countries where consumers have the power to grow and the government have long been looking for a new fee to cover the deficit because there is no real enthusiasm. by the French for a very high public spending.The evolution and revolution is in the long-term care products fully into account the long-term trends of society, the French bank to bank, mail and distribution to claim the cost of providing a joint. in customer service, change in business lines (such as the business becomes the business of custodian of the in-house banking services) for direct consumption or for the consequences of mergers and acquisitions across Europe in the domestic market
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